Wednesday, June 7, 2017

In: Ivanka’s $35 Dress | Out: Kylie’s $20,000 Photos

Ivanka Trump steps out in Target, Kylie Jenner collects art, and HBO has some new girls.  

In/Out W Magazine Logo

Wednesday, June 7th, 2017


"I like first class, but I don't like first class people-I prefer the people in coach. I like fine restaurants, but prefer the taste of McDonalds. I like to be perfect, but I don't like perfection-I think it's dangerous. There is nothing after perfection."
- Alber Elbaz

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Tina Knowles’ Art Collection

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Kylie Jenner’s Art Collection

A frequent symptom of having money is an urge to collect art, and Tina Knowles (famous for being a mother) and Kylie Jenner (famous for being a daugther and sister) are not immune. Their art collecting inclinations both recently became public, and, well, let’s just say that they have very different taste. While guesting on Janet Mock’s new podcast, Knowles revealed that she had a taste for African American artists and was taken with Robert Pruitt in particularly. He’s known for often portraying black women in empowering positions, and Knowles revealed that she’s currently lent some of that art to Beyoncé herself. ArtNet meanwhile cruised through Knowles’ Instagram and found that it’s full of photographic evidence of her love of visual art. Jenner’s tastes are a bit more basic. According to TMZ, she recently shelled out $20,000 for two works by photographer and former fashion model Beau Dunn. The photos are from her “Plastic” series and are essentially portraits of vintage Barbie dolls that the artist says are intended to critique the shallowness of Los Angeles, a town where people shell out $20,000 for portraits of Barbie dolls. 

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Brown Girls

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Girls may be over, but HBO is set on continuing its newfound sub-brand of dramedies about hip Millennials in big cities. Girls, of course, was about white girls in Brooklyn. Two-season wonder Looking was about gay men in San Francisco. Its relatively new Insecure is about black women in Los Angeles. Now they’ve struck a deal to turn a webseries about queer women of color in Chicago, aptly titled Brown Girls. Created by Fatimah Asghar and Sam Bailey, the series was an insta-hit online. It also continues another recent HBO trend: mining web series for material. Both Insecure and the marijuana delivery-themed High Maintenance started life as independent streaming shows. 

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Ivanka’s $35 Dress

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Melania’s $50,000 Jacket

The Trump family’s connection with its political supporters do not necessarily come from shared habits. The Trumps like their expensive dining, gaudy hotels, and ostentatious airplanes. Melania Trump, in particularly, has not seen fit to alter her wardrobe since her husband took office. She’s bucked First Lady tradition, and isn’t afraid to frequently flaunt high-price European designers. She favors Dolce & Gabbana in particularly, and wore a $51,500 jacket while in Europe recently. Ivanka’s fashion statements have been a bit more considered. She’s at least tried to feature American designers more often. Though, earlier this week she stepped out in her biggest democratic fashion statement yet: a $35 dress from Target. Sure, it was from Victoria Beckham’s line, but still far more accessible and approachable that much of the Trump family fashion. There’s all sorts of theories about what she was trying to convey with the choice, but maybe she was just taking a page from Michelle Obama’s book (it wouldn't be the first time a Trump has done that). As First Lady she wasn’t afraid to step out in Target either. Though, she prefered looks from Jason Wu’s line with the mass retailer. 

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Gloria Vanderbilt

At 93, the heiress and model Gloria Vanderbilt has decided to join Instagram and her account is full of peeks into her art collection and her photographed past (this photo by Richard Avedon). After originally thinking the app was too much about pictures of food, she told us her main reason for joining: to keep up with her son Anderson Cooper. “I love a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and have one for lunch nearly every day, but who wants to see a photograph of that?” she said. "But then I realized that Anderson works so much and travels so much, that this would be a way to see more of him and what he is up to, so I downloaded the app, and then I discovered it made me feel more connected not only to his life, but the lives of some of my friends.”

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Emily Ratajkowski, 26 (Queen of Instagram Models)

Michael Cera, 29 (Prince of Dorks)

Anna Kournikova, 36 (Retired Russian)

Damien Hirst, 52 (Skull Decorator)

Liam Neeson, 65 (Stoic Screen Presence)



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