Friday, July 14, 2017

Letting Go of the Worry That Weighs Us Down (and More)

"We have only now, only this single eternal moment opening and unfolding before us, day and night." ~Jack Kornfield Almost two years ago, I kept seeing the word "mindfulness" pop up everywhere I was looking, and I had no clue … The post 5 ...
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5 Reasons Why I Tried Mindfulness and How It's Changed My Life

"We have only now, only this single eternal moment opening and unfolding before us, day and night." ~Jack Kornfield

Almost two years ago, I kept seeing the word "mindfulness" pop up everywhere I was looking, and I had no clue what it was.

I kept seeing blog posts with titles like How...

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Watch Me Dance: Why I Stopped Playing Small and Hiding from Life

"There is no passion to be found in playing small—in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." ~Nelson Mandela

When I was a kid I'd get up early on Saturday mornings to start my routine, which ended with a few hours in front of the television watching my...

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Letting Go of the Worry That Weighs Us Down

“Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose.” ~Eckhart Tolle

As a child, I remember my daily walks to elementary school. It was an uphill walk for the most part. Quite symbolic of later years, now that I think about it.

I would walk to school every morning with my...

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What I Learned from Loving the "Wrong Person" and Why I Don’t Regret It

"Some people come into your life for a reason, some a season, and some a lifetime. However long it was, be thankful for the gifts you received from them." ~Unknown

When I first met him, we instantly clicked. We became fast friends aided by the fact that I was dealing with my father's...

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Learning How to Confront Someone When You're a People-Pleaser

"The more room you give yourself to express your true thoughts and feelings, the more room there is for your wisdom to emerge." ~Marianne Williamson

I have always been a people-pleaser, a trait that on the surface seems positive. Like many of us, I want people to like me, and I do my best to...

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50 People Share What They’re Grateful to Do Every Day

At night, when you think about how you spent your day, how often do you focus on all the things you had to do?

I worked. I ran errands. I went to the gym. I made dinner.

And when you tell someone about this kind of day, how often do you do it with a less-than-enthused tone?

I suspect this is the...

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