Saturday, September 12, 2020

HPL Statue Coming Down?

"Great men's errors are to be venerated as more fruitful than little men's truths." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, but now the Providence Atheneaum is considering taking down a bust of H.P. Lovecraft. 

Here's the video, by Arkham Reporter, detailing the story...

As many of you know, Lovecraft is probably my #1 influence, creatively speaking.  Primarily the Cthulhu Mythos, but I enjoy all his stories, as well as the majority of weird tales by his circle of friends and admirers. 

Yeah, Lovecraft was racist in his younger days.  Some of that might have been due to society in the early 20th century or ignorance or mental disorder... but HPL never killed anyone or threatened to kill anyone - which makes him a thousand times better than the antifa/BLM thugs and terrorists who've been destroying property and taking lives in our cities simply because they feel disenfranchised, when in reality they live in the most prosperous, safe, and free era in the entire world's history.

If this last bit seems unnecessarily harsh, well... I just learned about the white woman, Jessica Doty Whitaker, gunned down in Indianapolis for saying "All lives matter."  Here's the article.  I'm sickened.  And the disgusting leftist media is complicit in this racial and political violence.  They fan the flames of revolution, tearing America's systems down, their one-sided narrative practically begging for another civil war.

While I believe HPL was too quick to judge or prejudge those unlike himself, most likely out of fear than hatred, the madness and degradation and cruelty of today's "peaceful protesters" is so much worse.  Before taking a statue of Lovecraft down, take a long hard look at yourself, your own shortcomings and failures to live up to this country's lofty ideals.


p.s. If they do remove his statue, I'd be happy to give it a good home until this age of insanity is behind us.

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