Thursday, September 3, 2020

28Mm Crusades Command Bases

A quick show off post today of some new command bases for my 28mm Crusades Project. These figures are from 1st Corps / Curtneys Miniatures and I picked them up from the York show a couple of years back.

I am always really slack when it comes to Command Stands and end up with armies hundreds of figures strong with no commanders, so to get four (The other one will be in the Kingdom of Jerusalem force review later in the week) done at this stage of the Army build is pretty remarkable.

Base number one is based on my Red Knights unit (a later Hospitaller unit) and consists of a musician and standard bearer, flags are from Flags of War.

Second base is for my St Lazarus Knights, those of you who are familiar with the blog may notice that my choice of command stands is based around left over decals from previous units, not that I'm tight or anything 😁

The commander figures are basically the same but with different head and weapon options, this one has a bishop type head and a made.

So there we have three command bases ready for our next Crusades game whenever that will be, Kingdom of Jerusalem and of Project shots coming next.

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