Friday, May 17, 2019

How to break painful relationship patterns (and more)

The week in Tiny Buddha - on sacrifices, overcoming your inner critic, and more
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How to Break Painful Relationship Patterns

"Until you heal your past, your life patterns and relationships will continue to be the same; it's just the faces that change." ~Unknown

First of all: honey, you are not broken. We are all works in process. There is nothing

The post How to Break Painful Relationship Patterns appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

What I Believe and Why My Life Is Better Because of It

"Seeing is not believing; believing is seeing! You see things, not as they are, but as you are." ~Eric Butterworth

I didn't always understand this, but I now know that my beliefs shape my experience of the world.

As I …

The post What I Believe and Why My Life Is Better Because of It appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

To Do What You Really Want to Do, You Need to Befriend your Inner Critic

"Our 'inside critics' have intimate knowledge of us and can zero in on our weakest spots." ~SARK

We live in a world that often glorifies the power of positive thinking and affirmations.

Don't get me wrong, affirmations can be a …

The post To Do What You Really Want to Do, You Need to Befriend your Inner Critic appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

7 Ways to Know If Your Sacrifices Are Worth It

"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it." ~Henry David Thoreau

Have you ever looked at the path you've chosen and questioned if your sacrifices have been worth it? If you've prioritized the "right" things, …

The post 7 Ways to Know If Your Sacrifices Are Worth It appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

How to Stop Punishing Yourself for Your Breakup

"The most difficult times for many of us are the ones we give ourselves." ~Pema Chodron

After you come out a meaningful relationship that you didn't foresee ending, you begin to think about everything you did wrong.

If you were …

The post How to Stop Punishing Yourself for Your Breakup appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

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