Friday, December 7, 2018

How to live an extraordinary life, starting where you are (and more)

The week in Tiny Buddha - on meaning, making the most of your time, and more
How Mindfulness Is Saving My Relationship

"Mindfulness is about love and loving life. When you cultivate this love, it gives you clarity and compassion for life, and your actions happen in accordance with that." ~Jon Kabat-Zinn

I started meditating and practicing mindfulness more seriously several years …

The post How Mindfulness Is Saving My Relationship appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

Why Remembering You're Going to Die Is the Best Motivator

"Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever; you just have to live." ~Natalie Babitt

Once a month, I visit the local cemetery and walk around. I'm not there to visit …

The post Why Remembering You're Going to Die Is the Best Motivator appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

New Tiny Buddha Shirts and iPhone Cases, Just in Time for the Holidays!

Hi friends! I'm excited to share that I've recently launched a new selection of shirts and iPhone cases on Tiny Buddha, with five new designs—meaning nine in total—just in time for the holiday season!

I'm also happy to share that …

The post New Tiny Buddha Shirts and iPhone Cases, Just in Time for the Holidays! appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

How to Live an Extraordinary Life, Starting Right Where You Are

"Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground." ~Rumi

"Isn't this a miracle?" I asked myself in the milk aisle at Whole Foods.

It was a Wednesday night …

The post How to Live an Extraordinary Life, Starting Right Where You Are appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

How I Healed from an Eating Disorder and Stopped Hating Myself and My Body

"Quiet the voice telling you to do more and be more, and trust that in this moment, who you are, where you are at, and what you are doing is enough. You will get to where you need to be

The post How I Healed from an Eating Disorder and Stopped Hating Myself and My Body appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

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