Saturday, November 10, 2018

Free Webinar on Awakening with Eckhart Tolle - Tomorrow

You're invited to a special one-time webinar with Eckhart Tolle, Awakening to Your Essence: A Special Webinar and Meditation to Connect and Live from the "Deep I"
Click to register for a free webinar with Eckhart Tolle
Hi friends! I'm writing to remind you about the free Eckhart Tolle webinar that's scheduled for tomorrow, November 11th, at 4:00pm PST/7:00pm PST.

Through his life-changing books, including
The Power of Now, and his work all over the world, Eckhart Tolle has helped people from all walks of life overcome their suffering and find peace.

During this webinar Eckhart will expand on his teachings of presence to include the alchemical process of Awakening. He will explore how to:

  • Live fully from your "Deep I"
  • Discover the true purpose of suffering and the ego
  • Create practices to dissolve obstacles to awakening
  • Gain insights into awakening in the modern world
  • Become a bringer of consciousness into every aspect of your life

In addition to leading a meditation, Eckhart will also share a little about his newly launched School of Awakening, a six-month online program. (This is a paid program, but you're welcome to join the webinar for free without any obligation to attend the school.)

This will be a one-time webinar with a limited number of lines, so make sure you register here:

Have a wonderful weekend!

Lori Deschene
Tiny Buddha Founder

P.S. If you no anyone else who might be interested, feel free to share the sign up page here!

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