Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Las Vegas Market Attendees List



Hope this email finds you well!


Wishing you all the best for Las Vegas Market 2018!


Would you be interested in Las Vegas Market Attendees List?


Each record in the list contains - Contact Name, Job Title, Company/Business Name, Complete Mailing Details, email, Tel/Fax Number, Website/URL etc.


If you are interested, please let me know your thoughts, so that I can send you the no of contacts available and the pricing for it, along with a sample file for your review.


I’m assuming you’re the best person for this – If not, who would you recommend I speak with?


I look forward to hearing from you.



Mary Anna,

Business Coordinator


If you wish to opt-out from our mailing list, reply as 'Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

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