Friday, July 6, 2018

4 realizations that helped me love my body (and more)

  "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." ~Seneca Like most people, I've tried to control many aspects of my life, and this hasn't always worked in my favor. Just when I thought I had it all under control, … The post When ...

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Feeling angry, frustrated, resentful, anxious, or down on yourself? Learn how to LET GO of difficult emotions.

When Life Forces Your Hand, Embrace the New Chapter


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.” ~Seneca

Like most people, I've tried to control many aspects of my life, and this hasn't always worked in my favor. Just when I thought I had it all under control, life has inconveniently shown me many, many times that I was...

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How I Stopped Chasing Highs and Self-Destructing

"Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them." ~Albert Einstein

In our culture, it's pretty common to think of rock 'n' roll hedonism a little wistfully. From Keith Richards to Hunter S. Thompson, the wild nights and strung-out days of the world's most iconic...

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Why We Don't Need to Apologize So Often & How to Do It Well When We Do

"The ability to apologize sincerely and express regret for the unskillful things we say or do is an art. A true apology can relieve a great deal of suffering in the other person." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

My life has been full of apologies. I've been on both the receiving and giving end of the good,...

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4 Eye-Opening Realizations That Helped Me Love My Body

"You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful." ~Amy Bloom

"Just look at yourself!"

"That chubby face, those massive hips and thighs. The stumpy legs."

"No wonder he doesn't love you anymore. No wonder he left you for her! She is so much prettier than...

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