Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Pulse Analysis For You

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Dear Sir / Madam,

We are aware of your expertise in the field of traditional medicine and would like to offer you to integrate our Pulse analysis system in your practice with our risk-free 7-days trial!*

Request a VedaPulse Skype Demo
By accepting the offer here you get the system that:
  • Uses objective methods for assessing the functional state of a patient by analyzing HRV;
  • Provides with tangible and measurable conclusions and recommendations on modalities of traditional medicine;
  • Performs a distant monitoring of a client using the VedaPulse™ Home device;
  • Contains electronic databases on Ayurveda, TCM, Yoga, and Naturopathy;
  • Gives personal recommendations for the patient based on the current constitution of the body.
We hope for your interest and will be glad to arrange a Skype-presentation to answer any arising questions!
* VedaPulse Professional costs 1500 USD for the Basic device & 600 USD for each software module. You can now get the Full Professional version of VedaPulse device for a weekly testing with and complete online education, by the end of which you will be able to decide on the necessary software configuration and payment scheme. For all this, we only charge you with a 400 USD security deposit for the device itself, and the delivery will be done to your door for free in a week from now. In case you decide to return the device after these two weeks - we will return you the money, deducted a 5% fee for wear and logistic expenses.

George Nakrokhin

Sales Manager 

TM VedaPulse

Biokvant, LLC.
Skype: vedapulse
T: +73833340179
M: +79659991489
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