Monday, June 4, 2018

Free Healing Trauma Summit Starts Today

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Hi friends,

In case you missed my email a couple weeks ago, I'm writing to let you know about the Healing Trauma Summit, a free event hosted by Sounds True, which starts today. I've also included a little information about the upgrade package, which you can learn about here.

We often think of trauma as something very few people have experienced, but most of us have been traumatized in some way, perhaps by:

  • Witnessing a violent crime, natural disaster, war, or political conflict
  • Surviving neglect or abuse—physical, sexual, or emotional
  • Losing a loved one or even a job, relationship, or home
  • Dealing with a catastrophic illness or being in a serious accident

If we never acknowledge and address our pain, it can bleed into every area of our lives, sabotaging our relationships and limiting our potential.

For me, the wounds of physical and psychological trauma manifested in shame, depression, and anxiety, which led to bulimia, binge drinking, and cutting.

For you, it might be something else—perhaps anger, a fear of intimacy, or a general feeling of numbness; and you may cope through gambling, excessive shopping, or drug use.

These symptoms can stick with us through our entire lives, sabotaging everything that could bring us happiness and fulfillment—unless we proactively choose to face our wounds and heal.

With the Healing Trauma Summit, you’ll join 24 renowned and respected professional and healers from a wide sweep of disciplines and traditions.

Each session includes a 30-minute presentation (a teaching and a practice) followed by a Q&A, between 45 and 60 minutes.

You can find the complete lineup of guests and get free access to the 10-day summit, which starts today, here.

If you miss any of the presentations, or if you want lifetime access to the teachings, you may want to check out the upgrade package, which includes: 

  • Over 30 hours of digital recordings
  • Downloadable presentation materials and additional resources
  • 2 bonus programs by De. Peter A Levine: The Healing Trauma Online Course and the Sexual Healing audio program
  • Plus additional bonuses from many presenters, created to enrich your experience

I hope the summit helps you heal and find peace!

Lori Deschene
Tiny Buddha Founder

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