Monday, May 21, 2018

Free Healing Trauma Summit - Starts June 6th

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Hi friends,

I'm writing today to let you know about the upcoming Healing Trauma Summit, an event that I know would have helped me tremendously when I was healing from abuse many years ago.

You might think of trauma as something only a select few people have experienced, but most of us have been traumatized in some way, perhaps by:

  • Witnessing a violent crime, natural disaster, war, or political conflict
  • Surviving neglect or abuse—physical, sexual, or emotional
  • Losing a loved one or even a job, relationship, or home
  • Dealing with a catastrophic illness or being in a serious accident

Most of us unknowingly carry the pain of these traumatic experiences in our minds and bodies, without ever realizing how they’re impacting our relationships and limiting our potential in life.

For me, the wounds of physical and psychological trauma manifested in shame, depression, and anxiety, which led to bulimia, binge drinking, and cutting.

For you, it might be something else—perhaps anger, insomnia, or a general feeling of numbness; and you may cope through gambling, excessive shopping, or drug use.

These symptoms can stick with us through our entire lives, sabotaging everything that could bring us happiness and fulfillment—unless we proactively choose to face our wounds and heal.

With the Healing Trauma Summit, you’ll join renowned and respected professional and healers from a wide sweep of disciplines and traditions.

Additionally, heroines and heroes of community and cultural healing will share how they found a way through their traumatic experiences to emerge stronger, wiser, and eager to help others.

The summit features 24 of today’s leading voices in trauma healing. Many will be sharing training sessions and practical applications for your professional practice and personal well-being.

You can find the complete lineup of guests and get free access to the 10-day summit, which starts on June 6th, here.

I hope the summit helps you heal and find peace!

Lori Deschene
Tiny Buddha Founder

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