Monday, April 16, 2018

Free Webinar with Jack Kornfield & Tara Brach on Teaching Meditation

Hi friends!

Since I know many Tiny Buddha readers have changed their lives through mediation, I thought some of you might be interested in learning about an upcoming free webinar on “Answering the Call” of becoming a mindfulness meditation teacher.

Hosted by Sounds True publisher Tami Simon, Buddhist teacher and bestselling author Jack Kornfield, and psychologist and meditation teacher Tara Brach, this webinar will air at 8:00EST/5:00PST on Thursday, April 19th

If you’ve ever considered teaching meditation in your workplace or at a local studio, or even teaching online, this free webinar could be a wonderful first step.

In their conversation, Tami, Jack, and Tara will explore:

  • The essential traits and characteristics of an effective mindfulness teacher
  • The inherent challenges and hidden pitfalls in teaching meditation
  • Serving the needs of others at this critical time in history
  • Your opportunity to apply to a two-year mindfulness meditation teacher certification program with Jack and Tara

The world would be a happier, more peaceful place if everyone practiced meditation. If you feel called to help create this world, register here to join Tami, Jack, and Tara on April 19th.

Happy Monday!

Lori Deschene
Tiny Buddha Founder

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