Thursday, January 11, 2018

Join the (Free!) Mindfulness & Meditation Summit


Hi friends,

Do you ever feel like you’re a ping pong ball, bouncing from one overwhelming emotion to another? You hit stress, then anxiety, then frustration, then anger, and for brief periods you rest in a sense of peace. But often it’s just the calm before the storm, and then you’re right back in the vortex of emotion.

Whether you’re dealing with difficulties in your work or your relationships, or you’re battling with your own insecurities and self-doubts, it’s easy to live life in a persistent state of struggle and agitation.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. While you can’t change that life involves challenges, you can change how you respond to them.

And it starts with mindfulness meditation.

It seems counterintuitive that you can transform your life and your state of mind by doing nothing, but it’s true. Sitting in stillness for a little each day is the key to a deeper sense of peace and well-being.

To help explore the many exciting dimensions of mindfulness meditation, Sounds True is offering a powerful 10-global event:

Mindfulness and Meditation Summit

January 22 to 31, 2018


Whether you're new to mindfulness or have been meditating for years, this gathering of over 30 leading spiritual teachers and visionaries will be sure to help you transform yourself, your community, and the world.

Join us to learn with over 30 renowned meditation teachers, visionary leaders, neuroscientists, researchers, writers, performers, activists, and educators.

Presenters include: Alice Walker, Richie Davidson, Sharon Salzberg, Daniel Goleman, Jack Kornfield, Jewel, Shefali Tsabary, Daniel Siegel, Kelly McGonigal, Alanis Morissette, and more than 20 other guests, including special sessions with Pema Chödrön, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Eckhart Tolle.

I look forward to joining the Mindfulness and Meditation Summit with you beginning January 22, 2018. Registration is FREE and you can sign up now.

Happy Thursday!

Lori Deschene, Tiny Buddha Founder

P.S. Can't attend all of the session dates? If you'd like to own all of the video presentations—over 30—plus all of the daily guided meditations, full transcripts, and many valuable bonus gifts, learn more about the upgrade package here

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