Monday, January 22, 2018

Free Mindfulness & Meditation Summit Starting Today


Hi friends,

A while back, I sent an email to let you know about this year's Mindfulness and Meditation Summit, a free online event hosted by Sounds True. If you haven't yet signed up, you might want to register now, as it starts today, and it's going to be powerful!

If you've felt overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, or other difficult emotions, this is for you. If you've felt bullied or controlled by your thoughts, this is you. Or, if you're just looking to feel more peaceful and present in your daily life, yes, this is also for you.

Mindfulness and meditation can completely transform your inner world, and the effects can ripple into all aspects of your outer life, from your relationships to your work. And when you transform your inner world, you change your impact on those around you, meaning you can help make the world a kinder, more peaceful and loving place simply by fostering inner calm.

You can learn more or register for this free 10-day global event here:

Mindfulness and Meditation Summit

January 22 to 31, 2018


Whether you're new to mindfulness or have been meditating for years, this gathering of over 30 leading spiritual teachers and visionaries will be sure to help you transform yourself, your community, and the world.

Join us to learn with over 30 renowned meditation teachers, visionary leaders, neuroscientists, researchers, writers, performers, activists, and educators.

Presenters include: Alice Walker, Richie Davidson, Sharon Salzberg, Daniel Goleman, Jack Kornfield, Jewel, Shefali Tsabary, Daniel Siegel, Kelly McGonigal, Alanis Morissette, and more than 20 other guests, including special sessions with Pema Chödrön, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Eckhart Tolle.

I look forward to joining the Mindfulness and Meditation Summit with you starting today. Registration is FREE and you can sign up now.

I hope it's helpful to you!

Lori Deschene, Tiny Buddha Founder

P.S. Can't attend all of the session dates? If you'd like to own all of the video presentations—over 30—plus all of the daily guided meditations, full transcripts, and many valuable bonus gifts, learn more about the upgrade package here

Email subscriptions powered by FeedBlitz, LLC, 365 Boston Post Rd, Suite 123, Sudbury, MA 01776, USA.

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