Tuesday, August 1, 2017

In: Jennifer Lawrence’s Spooky Confusion | Out: Scaramucci

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Jennifer Lawrence's next movie is almost as scar as Scaramucci.”     

In/Out W Magazine Logo

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017


“Democracy's a very fragile thing. You have to take care of democracy. As soon as you stop being responsible to it and allow it to turn into scare tactics, it's no longer democracy, is it?"
- The Late Sam Shephard

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Jennifer Lawrence, Scream Queen 

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While the world is well aware that star Jennifer Lawrence and director Darren Aronofsky coupled at some point while making their upcoming film mother!, but details about what the film is actually about have remained sparse. We tried to read the tea leaves a few months back based on little more than the vague log line and cast list (which includes roles like “sex slave” and “autograph seeker #1,” but that still gave us little to go on. Well, now the first teaser trailer is out and the suspicion that the film is indeed a creepy psychological thriller is confirmed...but little else is. The thirty second clip involves Lawrence frighteningly staggering around a bed and breakfast with creepy dialogue sound clips. There’s also split second sightings of co-stars Javier Bardem, Michelle Pfeiffer, bees and an explosion. You can watch the thing here, but you’ll probably have to wait until the full length trailer to get a better idea of what the film is actually about. 

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The Silver Age of MTV All Over Again

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Meet the new MTV! Same as the old MTV! It’s not like the youth-oriented network hasn’t had some notable hits since its last great era in the ‘00s, but it has struggled to completely revamp its brand. So, apparently, it’s just going back to what last worked best. In fact, it’s relaunching its former flagship program TRL in October. Yes, it will be shot at a new studio in Times Square. Though, not everything will be exactly the same. Carson Daly won’t return. Instead they’ll line up five new hosts from the worlds of both traditional and social media. MTV has been busy mining is archives for inspiration as late. Cribs was relaunched as a Snapchat show, and Wild N Out and My Super Sweet 16 have both been revived as traditional shows. Unfortunately, MTV can't bring back the iconic ‘00s fashion guests wore on the original TRL, the best (or worst?) of which can be perused here

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The Theatre of the Absurd

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Up is down. Left is right. What should be serious is actually hilarious, and what should be frivolous can be all too perilous. On Sunday, one of television's most serious shows, Game of Thrones, aired what may just have been its most hilarious episode ever (even if you don’t watch the show you surely saw the memes-"I want her to know it was me”). Then, on Monday, the struggle for power in the West Wing had its own most hilarious turn yet when Anthony Scaramucci was shown the door after serving just ten day as the director of communications. The internet reacted almost simultaneously with laughter (at least in the forms of “LMAO” and that “laughing so hard I’m crying” emoji).


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Jasmine Sanders

Jasmine Sanders, or as she's known online "Golden Barbie," has turned her 2.5 million Instagram followers into a booming modeling career. She's already snagged a Rebook contract this summer, and just yesterday she was announced as one of the new faces of the recently relaunched Bebe. 

  Birthdays Logo  

Jason Momoa, 38 (Upcoming Aquaman) 
Ricardo Tisci, 43 (Designer on a Sojourn) 
James St. James, 51 (The Exiled King of Club Kid Manhattan)
Sam Mendes, 52 (Really Made Us Think About the Beauty of Floating Plastic Bags) 
Chuck D, 57 (Hip Hop Forefather)



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