Thursday, August 17, 2017

Emma Stone, Hollywood’s Official Queen | Out: Kourtney Kardashian

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Emma Stone is Hollywood’s favorite actress. Kendall Jenner is America’s favorite Kardashian. Kara Walker does not necessarily want to be your favorite anything.

In/Out W Magazine Logo

Tuesday, August 17th, 2017


“Isn't elegance forgetting what one is wearing?"
- Yves Saint Laurent 

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Emma Stone...But Really Sofia Vergara

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Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence has reigned atop the list of Hollywood’s highest paid actresses for the past two years, but with Hunger Games over and the X-Men franchise in between films, the timing was right for someone to overtake her for the number one spot. That person turned out to be J.Law’s good friend and most recent Best Actress Oscar winner Emma Stone. According to Forbes, the La La Land star is now Hollywood’s top earning actress by taking home an estimated $26 million (of course, because Forbes does not actually have access to actresses’ bank accounts and tax receipts, this is all to be taken with a grain of salt). Lawrence, meanwhile, fell to third with $24 million, while it’s Jennifer Aniston who sits in between them at second place with an estimated $25.5 million-because, thankfully, it’s not just actresses in their twenties who are mega-earners. The news also deserve one final caveat-it doesn’t include actresses who primarily make their bread and butter on television. That’s notable for several reasons, the least of which is that the same magazine estimated last year that Sofia Vergara brought in $43 million, far higher than any of these ladies. 

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Kara Walker’s Viral Artist Statement

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Modest Collectors

Kara Walker is one of the most important female African-American artists working today and is she is also very clearly tired of having phrases like “most important female African-American artist” always attached to her name. In what surely must be the only example of an artist statement going viral (written to accompany an upcoming gallery exhibition), she at first took a satirical carnival barker tone: “Modest collectors will find her prices reasonable ...Scholars will study and debate the Historical Value and Intellectual Merits of Miss Walker’s Diversionary Tactics.” In an addendum however, she gets much blunter, writing “I know what you all expect from me and I have complied up to a point. But frankly I am tired, tired of standing up, being counted, tired of ‘having a voice’ or worse ‘being a role model.'” She then takes aim at “the racists among our countrymen” who idolize “Nazi Germany and Antebellum South,” which she points out, “incidentally, lost the wars they started, and always will, precisely because there is no way those white racisms can survive the earth without the rest of us types upholding humanity’s best, keeping the motor running on civilization, being good, and preserving nature and all the stuff worth working and living for.” It’s a powerful statement that effectively takes on the all too shallow nature of the art world while zinging towards broader truths and well worth a read.


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Kendall Jenner, Apparently

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Kourtney, Of Course  

The Hollywood Reporter has an epic deep dive into the history of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, featuring the titular family themselves. There’s all sort of little nuggets in there for the obsessives: Kim doesn’t actually have a surrogate yet, Kanye has input on editing, and Kendall didn’t want her reaction to the Pepsi controversy filmed and aired. What’s most intriguing, though, is the fact that the Reporter conducted an actual scientific poll of Americans and their views on the family. Three in five Americans admit they’re shrewd businesswomen, but about the same number thinks they’re responsible for selfie culture. The poll also found which Kardashian-Jenner Americans are most jealous of. Turns out it’s Kendall, who racked up 30 percent of respondents, followed closely by Kim at 25 percent. Kourtney, meanwhile, came in last with just ten percent, but what’s not to be jealous of? She does the least, but is still doing just fine. 


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Madonna celebrated the big 5-9 yesterday, and in case you’re wondering how she celebrated: well it involved a horseback entrance. Find more glimpses into her party in Puglia, Italy here.

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Taissa Farmiga, 23 (Wait, She Was The Supreme, Right?) 
Lil B, 28
(Based Birthday Boy) 
Sean Penn, 57
(Amateur Journalist) 
Robert De Niro, 74
(Original Tribeca Dad)



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