Wednesday, May 24, 2017

In: Helen Mirren, Late in Life Feminist | Out: Ivanka Trump

Helen Mirren thinks everyone should be a feminist, even if she didn’t come to that conclusion until recently. 

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Wednesday, May 24th, 2017


"So if diva means giving your best, then yes, I guess I am a diva."
- Patti LaBelle

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Tilda Swinton

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Ivanka Trump

Donald Trump has inspired, allegedly or outright, his share of fictional characters throughout the years even before he became president. Back to the Future’s Biff Tannen, Wall Street’s Gordon Gekko and Christopher Walken’s villainous millionaire in Batman Returns all take some cues from Trump (and then there’s the fact that he’s one of American Psycho’s Patrick Bateman’s personal heroes). Turns out his daughter is following in his footsteps in that matter. Tilda Swinton recently admitted that she took inspiration from Ivanka Trump to portray her evil heiress character in her Netflix film Okja. "When we shot in New York last summer, I stood watching the Republican convention on the television in our lunch break dressed as [my character] Lucy, watching a different daughter of a different dubious dynasty addressing, from a high podium, a big crowd, with glossy blond hair, expensive orthodontics, and modeling her Barbie-perfect modest pink dress (concurrently on sale online),” she told The Wrap

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Helen Mirren

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Resisting Feminism

Graduation season is always good for a few notable commencement speeches, and this year one of the buzziest belongs to none other than Helen Mirren as she sent the Tulane University class of 2017 into the world. Though the award-winning actress joked that she had very little practical advice for anyone who wasn’t “born in England who decide to become Shakespearean actresses, and end up doing nude scenes in 10 films,” she used the speech to boost the merits of feminism while also admitting it was a label she didn’t come around to until recently. “No matter what sex you are, or race, be a feminist,” she said. “In every country and culture that I have visited, from Sweden to Uganda, from Singapore to Mali, it is clear that when women are given respect, and the ability and freedom to pursue their personal dreams and ambitions, life improves for everyone. I didn’t define myself as a feminist until quite recently, but I had always lived like a feminist and believed in the obvious: that women were as capable and as energetic and as inspiring as men.”

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Elisabeth Moss TV Shows

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The Idea There’s Too Much Television

Oh, you think there’s too much television on today for you to keep up with? Hey, Elisabeth Moss actually makes quite a lot of that television and has no problem with making more. The Mad Men alum is currently starring in Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale and the second season of her Top of the Lake will debut later this year. Somehow in between promotion for all of that she’s managed to sign on to produce and star in yet another television project. She’s teaming with BBC America to bring the story of Typhoid Mary to the small screen in a limited series. Based on Mary Beth Keane's 2013 novel Fever, Moss will portray Mary Mallon, the real-life woman who was patient zero for several typhoid fever breakouts in New York City and the first person in America known to carry the bacteria that causes the disease (though, she never actually developed symptoms herself). Medicine didn’t quite know what to do with her back then, so they just locked her up in quarantine on an island for the last thirty years of her life. Should make for an interesting binge watch. 

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Natalia Vodianova

Our latest cover story gives you an exclusive peek into the intimate life of supermodel Natalia Vodianova (including how she met and fell in love with husband Antoine Arnault), but only her Instagram offers pictures of her hanging out with gilded bunnies.

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Michael Chabon, 54 (Father of Abe) 

Priscilla Presley, 72 (Queen Consort of Rock) 

Patti LaBelle, 73 (Pie Entrepreneur) 

Bob Dylan, 76 (One Time Victoria’s Secret Ad Star)




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