Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Attendees List of NEW YORK SHOE EXPO JUNE- 2017



I am following up to check if you are interested in acquiring Attendees List of NEW YORK SHOE EXPO JUNE- 2017?


We have identified 2,500 professionals attending at Attendees List of NEW YORK SHOE EXPO - 2017 through our primary & social research.


Let me know if you would like to acquire 2,500 Attendees List? We have special discounted price for this month.


NEW YORK SHOE EXPO - 2017 -Attendees List


Total Count: 2,500


Each Contact Includes for Attendees List: Business Name, Client Name, Title, Email Address, Phone Number, Web Address


Thank you and look forward to hear from you.


Warm regards,


Marilyn John| Marketing Executive


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