Thursday, March 30, 2017

In: Cara Delevingne and Rihanna in Space | Out: Clintons in Office

Instagram is fashion’s preferred social network, duh. ”

In/Out W Magazine Logo

Thursday, March 30th, 2017


"Does anything really happen if it isn't shared on Instagram?"
-Choupette the Cat’s social media handler

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Instagram, Fashion Dominator

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Retail Stores and Snapchat

Instagram is the reigning preferred social media network of the fashion world, and apparently it’s just killing so many other things in the wake of its dominance. In fact, fashion's infatuation with Instagram has warranted not one, but two deep dive stories. Digiday points out that Instagram has basically killed any chance Snapchat ever had at becoming a fashion darling. Labels and their marketing departments were first wary of Snapchat’s unfiltered and amateur nature, but slowly warmed up to the app-until of course Instagram launched their Story feature. Instagram has “a larger follower base and an older audience that’s more likely to be spending,” Sucharita Mulpuru, an e-commerce expert, told the publication. Meanwhile, Bloomberg Businessweek finds that Instagram is also killing retail stores, and Generation Z consumers are now drawn to upstart brands that not only leverage the power of the ‘gram but actually base their entire business on it. In fact, one young baseball cap designer known as Millinsky (Rihanna is a fan) blew off an offer from Urban Outfitters in order to grow his brand more organically online. 

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The Clinton Dynasty

Hillary Clinton isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, but don’t expect the Clinton political “dynasty” to survive her (or, technically begin-a married couple does not a dynasty make, despite what you’re angry friend told you on Facebook in October). Clinton appeared Tuesday night at a diversity conference in San Francisco and delivered some of her most politically pointed statements yet after losing the election. "Resist, insist, persist, enlist,” she told the crowd, offering advice on how to move forward. Meanwhile, it turns out she won’t be enlisting her own daughter into running for public office. "I clearly do not support the president and certainly hope that he is defeated in the next election, but I don’t think I’m the best person for that job,” Chelsea Clinton said in an interview with Variety. Though, there’s always the possibility that her two children could grow up into members of congress or governors some day. The oldest is just two though, so we don’t expect a definitive statement for a while. 

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Horror, Sci-Fi and Action, Handled With Care

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Genre Flicks Strictly for Teen Boy Slackers

Horror, sci-fi and action films alike have a reputation for being churned out solely for the simple pleasure of young men. They’re kind of dork fare, right? Or at least that’s what everyone thought, and that seems to be solely for whom Hollywood was producing them for. A few new trailers released in the past few days reminds us that isn’t the case anymore. First is Valerian, the sci-fi epic that is Europe’s most expensive movie ever. The trailer finds Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne up in space, fighting aliens, and occasionally fraternizing with Rihanna, all while occasionally flirting. Then there’s the trailer for the new It, which packs enough behind-the-scenes talent to make us believe that producers care just as much about critical consensus as they do packing the cinemas. Finally, a killer clown movie to take seriously! Oh, and then there’s the trailer for A Ghost Story, which isn’t a traditional horror story per say, but does find Casey Affleck in a literal white sheet contemplating the freighting propositions of time and existence. Naturally, it was a Sundance Film Festival favorite. 

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Miss Fame

It’s drag superstar Miss Fame’s 32nd birthday today. That’s him on the right out of drag. The queen in full makeup? It’s none other than fashion designer Jason Wu, who Fame recently painted up. Wu’s drag name? Terri Yaki, in case you’re wondering. 

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Norah Jones, 38 (Grammy Darling) 

Celine Dion, 49 (The Voice of Several Generations)

Warren Beatty, 80 (No Mistake)



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